Sunday, November 20, 2005

You like poetry, right?

You people are so lucky to have me, you really, really are.

I am here to solve your Christmas gift dilemmas.

I know what you're thinking, "I have numerous poetry lovers to buy for, and yet I have little to no knowledge about poetry". Or, alternatively, you may be thinking, "I have to buy something for a person that needs a bit more culture in their life. Is there a reasonably priced, yet still incredibly awesome book of poetry that can fit the bill?". Or, you might even be thinking, "I'm looking for a poetry book to add to my Christmas wish list. But what book could that be?".

You are all so lucky. Because my good friend Heather Taylor has written just the book of poetry that can fix all of these problems!

It's called "Horizon and Back" and it's available both through the publisher, and on Amazon.

It's a mere £7! What an incredible bargain!! It's 80 pages of poetry goodness, which works out to a teensy tiny 8.75p per page!

For you foreign folks, we're looking an insignificant $12 of your US dollars, and $14 of your Canadian dollars! It's like she's just giving these 80 fantastic pages of poetry away!

So, buy away people! This is one fantastic book of poetry. You, your poetry loving friends, your friends that deserve a bit of culture, and all the other people on your Christmas list will love it, I'm sure.

Did I mention that you should buy this book? Because I think you should. And you know I'm always right.

1 comment:

Janice Seagraves said...

Hi Alice,

I'm not into poetry, nor do I have anyone on my Christmas list that is.


But if I did I would check out your friends book.

Later Janice~