Friday, December 10, 2004

What did people do at work before they had the Internet?

I finally moved back into my office yesterday, after a two month long stint in a vaguely cubicled off area of reception-y area of our office while my office became a temporary edit suite. (It's hard to explain if you haven't seen it. You're going to have to trust me on this one.) And, as much as I loved that (or, to use a more accurate word "hated"), I finally finally finally got to move back into my office. Which was obviously a very yay! moment.

Until I realized that I'd done something to the computers when I hooked them up which rendered them useless. Well, not totally useless. I can do all my work, for example. And I can be productive. I just can't access the network at all. Or, and this is far more important, the internet. And dude! That's totally work related! I can't check my work email! I may be missing vital emails!

And, I can't use the internet for research. Vital, intensely urgent and important research that must be completed today. Sooner than that! This very second!

For instance, it seems that I urgently must find out how much I can expect to spend on the digital camera I plan on buying at Christmas. And, I have to check my hotmail. I may have many, many social engagements which need planning, or many "hilarious" chain mail forwards to read, become irritated by the sender and then delete. Or, and this is only if I'm very lucky, a few emails offering me enlargement of a body part I don't have. These must be dealt with!

What do they expect me to do here? Work?

Thankfully, the problem has been resolved. But, the scary thing is that it could happen at any time. Man, that's a frightening thought.

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